Student Poetry Contest
The Alfred C. O’Connell Library presents the 24th annual Student Poetry Contest

—John F. Kennedy (1917-1963)
- Entrant must be a currently registered GCC student
- Entries must be the student’s original work; limit 3 entries per student
- All styles welcome (haiku, sonnets, spoken word/video, serious, funny, etc.); spoken word/video entries must provide a transcript
DEADLINE: Midnight, Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Winning Poets will receive cash prizes and honors on May 8 at the college-wide student “Celebration of Excellence” awards ceremony sponsored by the Office of Student Engagement and Inclusion (SEI).
Contest presented by the Alfred C. O’Connell Library and prizes provided by the Office of Student Engagement and Inclusion.
The Library is not responsible for formatting losses and maintains the right to publish all winning entries on the library webpage.